1. Cyber Security Filter

  2. SAINT Index Legend

  3. Snapshot:

    Drag the slider to change the month or day.

    This will display a snapshot of the data at that time.

  4. Country List

    Index Country

    This table shows a list of all countries with data recorded by this tool.

    The Index represents the badness level of malicious and suspicious activity detected within that country. Higher values represent higher concentrations of badness.

    By default, the country is sorted by Index; select the Country header to sort by country name.


  1. Ranking over time

    1. Export as
    2. xls
    3. csv
    4. svg
    5. png
  2. Index over time

    1. Export as
    2. xls
    3. csv
    4. svg
    5. png
  3. Worst ASes

    SAINT Index AS name
  1. Cyber security summary

  2. Latest headlines

  3. SAINT Index contributions

    1. Export as
    2. xls
    3. csv
    4. svg
    5. png